Source code for braket.ahs.atom_arrangement

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
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from __future__ import annotations

from import Iterator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
from numbers import Number
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

from braket.ahs.discretization_types import DiscretizationError, DiscretizationProperties

[docs] class SiteType(Enum): VACANT = "Vacant" FILLED = "Filled"
[docs] @dataclass class AtomArrangementItem: """Represents an item (coordinate and metadata) in an atom arrangement.""" coordinate: tuple[Number, Number] site_type: SiteType def _validate_coordinate(self) -> None: if len(self.coordinate) != 2: raise ValueError(f"{self.coordinate} must be of length 2") for idx, num in enumerate(self.coordinate): if not isinstance(num, Number): raise TypeError(f"{num} at position {idx} must be a number") def _validate_site_type(self) -> None: allowed_site_types = {SiteType.FILLED, SiteType.VACANT} if self.site_type not in allowed_site_types: raise ValueError(f"{self.site_type} must be one of {allowed_site_types}") def __post_init__(self) -> None: self._validate_coordinate() self._validate_site_type()
[docs] class AtomArrangement: def __init__(self): """Represents a set of coordinates that can be used as a register to an AnalogHamiltonianSimulation. """ self._sites = []
[docs] def add( self, coordinate: Union[tuple[Number, Number], np.ndarray], site_type: SiteType = SiteType.FILLED, ) -> AtomArrangement: """Add a coordinate to the atom arrangement. Args: coordinate (Union[tuple[Number, Number], ndarray]): The coordinate of the atom (in meters). The coordinates can be a numpy array of shape (2,) or a tuple of int, float, Decimal site_type (SiteType): The type of site. Optional. Default is FILLED. Returns: AtomArrangement: returns self (to allow for chaining). """ self._sites.append(AtomArrangementItem(tuple(coordinate), site_type)) return self
[docs] def coordinate_list(self, coordinate_index: Number) -> list[Number]: """Returns all the coordinates at the given index. Args: coordinate_index (Number): The index to get for each coordinate. Returns: list[Number]:The list of coordinates at the given index. Example: To get a list of all x-coordinates: coordinate_list(0) To get a list of all y-coordinates: coordinate_list(1) """ return [site.coordinate[coordinate_index] for site in self._sites]
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator: return self._sites.__iter__() def __len__(self): return self._sites.__len__()
[docs] def discretize(self, properties: DiscretizationProperties) -> AtomArrangement: """Creates a discretized version of the atom arrangement, rounding all site coordinates to the closest multiple of the resolution. The types of the sites are unchanged. Args: properties (DiscretizationProperties): Capabilities of a device that represent the resolution with which the device can implement the parameters. Raises: DiscretizationError: If unable to discretize the program. Returns: AtomArrangement: A new discretized atom arrangement. """ try: position_res = properties.lattice.geometry.positionResolution discretized_arrangement = AtomArrangement() for site in self._sites: new_coordinates = tuple( round(Decimal(c) / position_res) * position_res for c in site.coordinate ) discretized_arrangement.add(new_coordinates, site.site_type) return discretized_arrangement except Exception as e: raise DiscretizationError(f"Failed to discretize register {e}") from e