Source code for

# Copyright Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import time
from functools import singledispatch
from logging import Logger, getLogger
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Optional, Union

import boto3

from braket.ahs.analog_hamiltonian_simulation import AnalogHamiltonianSimulation
from braket.annealing.problem import Problem
from import AwsSession
from import QuantumTaskQueueInfo, QueueType
from braket.circuits import Instruction
from braket.circuits.circuit import Circuit, Gate, QubitSet
from braket.circuits.circuit_helpers import validate_circuit_and_shots
from braket.circuits.compiler_directives import StartVerbatimBox
from braket.circuits.gates import PulseGate
from braket.circuits.serialization import (
from braket.device_schema import GateModelParameters
from braket.device_schema.dwave import (
from braket.device_schema.dwave.dwave_2000Q_device_level_parameters_v1 import (
from braket.device_schema.dwave.dwave_advantage_device_level_parameters_v1 import (
from braket.device_schema.ionq import IonqDeviceParameters
from braket.device_schema.oqc import OqcDeviceParameters
from braket.device_schema.rigetti import RigettiDeviceParameters
from braket.device_schema.simulators import GateModelSimulatorDeviceParameters
from braket.error_mitigation import ErrorMitigation
from import Program as BlackbirdProgram
from import Program as OpenQASMProgram
from braket.pulse.pulse_sequence import PulseSequence
from braket.schema_common import BraketSchemaBase
from braket.task_result import (
from braket.tasks import (
from braket.tracking.tracking_context import broadcast_event
from braket.tracking.tracking_events import _TaskCompletionEvent

[docs] class AwsQuantumTask(QuantumTask): """Amazon Braket implementation of a quantum task. A quantum task can be a circuit, an OpenQASM program or an AHS program. """ # TODO: Add API documentation that defines these states. Make it clear this is the contract. NO_RESULT_TERMINAL_STATES: ClassVar[set[str]] = {"FAILED", "CANCELLED"} RESULTS_READY_STATES: ClassVar[set[str]] = {"COMPLETED"} TERMINAL_STATES: ClassVar[set[str]] = RESULTS_READY_STATES.union(NO_RESULT_TERMINAL_STATES) DEFAULT_RESULTS_POLL_TIMEOUT = 432000 DEFAULT_RESULTS_POLL_INTERVAL = 1 RESULTS_FILENAME = "results.json"
[docs] @staticmethod def create( aws_session: AwsSession, device_arn: str, task_specification: Union[ Circuit, Problem, OpenQASMProgram, BlackbirdProgram, PulseSequence, AnalogHamiltonianSimulation, ], s3_destination_folder: AwsSession.S3DestinationFolder, shots: int, device_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None, disable_qubit_rewiring: bool = False, tags: dict[str, str] | None = None, inputs: dict[str, float] | None = None, gate_definitions: dict[tuple[Gate, QubitSet], PulseSequence] | None = None, quiet: bool = False, reservation_arn: str | None = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> AwsQuantumTask: """AwsQuantumTask factory method that serializes a quantum task specification (either a quantum circuit or annealing problem), submits it to Amazon Braket, and returns back an AwsQuantumTask tracking the execution. Args: aws_session (AwsSession): AwsSession to connect to AWS with. device_arn (str): The ARN of the quantum device. task_specification (Union[Circuit, Problem, OpenQASMProgram, BlackbirdProgram, PulseSequence, AnalogHamiltonianSimulation]): # noqa The specification of the quantum task to run on device. s3_destination_folder (AwsSession.S3DestinationFolder): NamedTuple, with bucket for index 0 and key for index 1, that specifies the Amazon S3 bucket and folder to store quantum task results in. shots (int): The number of times to run the quantum task on the device. If the device is a simulator, this implies the state is sampled N times, where N = `shots`. `shots=0` is only available on simulators and means that the simulator will compute the exact results based on the quantum task specification. device_parameters (dict[str, Any] | None): Additional parameters to send to the device. disable_qubit_rewiring (bool): Whether to run the circuit with the exact qubits chosen, without any rewiring downstream, if this is supported by the device. Only applies to digital, gate-based circuits (as opposed to annealing problems). If ``True``, no qubit rewiring is allowed; if ``False``, qubit rewiring is allowed. Default: False tags (dict[str, str] | None): Tags, which are Key-Value pairs to add to this quantum task. An example would be: `{"state": "washington"}` inputs (dict[str, float] | None): Inputs to be passed along with the IR. If the IR supports inputs, the inputs will be updated with this value. Default: {}. gate_definitions (dict[tuple[Gate, QubitSet], PulseSequence] | None): A `dict` of user defined gate calibrations. Each calibration is defined for a particular `Gate` on a particular `QubitSet` and is represented by a `PulseSequence`. Default: None. quiet (bool): Sets the verbosity of the logger to low and does not report queue position. Default is `False`. reservation_arn (str | None): The reservation ARN provided by Braket Direct to reserve exclusive usage for the device to run the quantum task on. Note: If you are creating tasks in a job that itself was created reservation ARN, those tasks do not need to be created with the reservation ARN. Default: None. Returns: AwsQuantumTask: AwsQuantumTask tracking the quantum task execution on the device. Note: The following arguments are typically defined via clients of Device. - `task_specification` - `s3_destination_folder` - `shots` See Also: `` `` """ # noqa E501 if len(s3_destination_folder) != 2: raise ValueError( "s3_destination_folder must be of size 2 with a 'bucket' and 'key' respectively." ) create_task_kwargs = _create_common_params( device_arn, s3_destination_folder, shots if shots is not None else AwsQuantumTask.DEFAULT_SHOTS, ) if tags is not None: create_task_kwargs.update({"tags": tags}) inputs = inputs or {} gate_definitions = gate_definitions or {} if reservation_arn: create_task_kwargs.update( { "associations": [ { "arn": reservation_arn, "type": "RESERVATION_TIME_WINDOW_ARN", } ] } ) if isinstance(task_specification, Circuit): param_names = { for param in task_specification.parameters} if unbounded_parameters := param_names - set(inputs.keys()): raise ValueError( f"Cannot execute circuit with unbound parameters: {unbounded_parameters}" ) return _create_internal( task_specification, aws_session, create_task_kwargs, device_arn, device_parameters or {}, disable_qubit_rewiring, inputs, gate_definitions=gate_definitions, quiet=quiet, *args, **kwargs, )
def __init__( self, arn: str, aws_session: AwsSession | None = None, poll_timeout_seconds: float = DEFAULT_RESULTS_POLL_TIMEOUT, poll_interval_seconds: float = DEFAULT_RESULTS_POLL_INTERVAL, logger: Logger = getLogger(__name__), quiet: bool = False, ): """Initializes an `AwsQuantumTask`. Args: arn (str): The ARN of the quantum task. aws_session (AwsSession | None): The `AwsSession` for connecting to AWS services. Default is `None`, in which case an `AwsSession` object will be created with the region of the quantum task. poll_timeout_seconds (float): The polling timeout for `result()`. Default: 5 days. poll_interval_seconds (float): The polling interval for `result()`. Default: 1 second. logger (Logger): Logger object with which to write logs, such as quantum task statuses while waiting for quantum task to be in a terminal state. Default is `getLogger(__name__)` quiet (bool): Sets the verbosity of the logger to low and does not report queue position. Default is `False`. Examples: >>> task = AwsQuantumTask(arn='task_arn') >>> task.state() 'COMPLETED' >>> result = task.result() AnnealingQuantumTaskResult(...) >>> task = AwsQuantumTask(arn='task_arn', poll_timeout_seconds=300) >>> result = task.result() GateModelQuantumTaskResult(...) """ self._arn: str = arn self._aws_session: AwsSession = aws_session or AwsQuantumTask._aws_session_for_task_arn( task_arn=arn ) self._poll_timeout_seconds = poll_timeout_seconds self._poll_interval_seconds = poll_interval_seconds self._logger = logger self._quiet = quiet self._metadata: dict[str, Any] = {} self._result: Union[ GateModelQuantumTaskResult, AnnealingQuantumTaskResult, PhotonicModelQuantumTaskResult ] = None @staticmethod def _aws_session_for_task_arn(task_arn: str) -> AwsSession: """Get an AwsSession for the Quantum Task ARN. The AWS session should be in the region of the quantum task. Returns: AwsSession: `AwsSession` object with default `boto_session` in quantum task's region. """ task_region = task_arn.split(":")[3] boto_session = boto3.Session(region_name=task_region) return AwsSession(boto_session=boto_session) @property def id(self) -> str: """str: The ARN of the quantum task.""" return self._arn def _cancel_future(self) -> None: """Cancel the future if it exists. Else, create a cancelled future.""" if not hasattr(self, "_future"): self._future = asyncio.Future() self._future.cancel()
[docs] def cancel(self) -> None: """Cancel the quantum task. This cancels the future and the quantum task in Amazon Braket. """ self._cancel_future() self._aws_session.cancel_quantum_task(self._arn)
[docs] def metadata(self, use_cached_value: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get quantum task metadata defined in Amazon Braket. Args: use_cached_value (bool): If `True`, uses the value most recently retrieved from the Amazon Braket `GetQuantumTask` operation, if it exists; if not, `GetQuantumTask` will be called to retrieve the metadata. If `False`, always calls `GetQuantumTask`, which also updates the cached value. Default: `False`. Returns: dict[str, Any]: The response from the Amazon Braket `GetQuantumTask` operation. If `use_cached_value` is `True`, Amazon Braket is not called and the most recently retrieved value is used, unless `GetQuantumTask` was never called, in which case it will still be called to populate the metadata for the first time. """ if not use_cached_value or not self._metadata: self._metadata = self._aws_session.get_quantum_task(self._arn) return self._metadata
[docs] def state(self, use_cached_value: bool = False) -> str: """The state of the quantum task. Args: use_cached_value (bool): If `True`, uses the value most recently retrieved from the Amazon Braket `GetQuantumTask` operation. If `False`, calls the `GetQuantumTask` operation to retrieve metadata, which also updates the cached value. Default = `False`. Returns: str: The value of `status` in `metadata()`. This is the value of the `status` key in the Amazon Braket `GetQuantumTask` operation. If `use_cached_value` is `True`, the value most recently returned from the `GetQuantumTask` operation is used. See Also: `metadata()` """ return self._status(use_cached_value)
[docs] def queue_position(self) -> QuantumTaskQueueInfo: """The queue position details for the quantum task. Returns: QuantumTaskQueueInfo: Instance of QuantumTaskQueueInfo class representing the queue position information for the quantum task. The queue_position is only returned when quantum task is not in RUNNING/CANCELLING/TERMINAL states, else queue_position is returned as None. The normal tasks refers to the quantum tasks not submitted via Hybrid Jobs. Whereas, the priority tasks refers to the total number of quantum tasks waiting to run submitted through Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs. These tasks run before the normal tasks. If the queue position for normal or priority quantum tasks is greater than 2000, we display their respective queue position as '>2000'. Examples: task status = QUEUED and queue position is 2050 >>> task.queue_position() QuantumTaskQueueInfo(queue_type=<QueueType.NORMAL: 'Normal'>, queue_position='>2000', message=None) task status = COMPLETED >>> task.queue_position() QuantumTaskQueueInfo(queue_type=<QueueType.NORMAL: 'Normal'>, queue_position=None, message='Task is in COMPLETED status. AmazonBraket does not show queue position for this status.') """ response = self.metadata()["queueInfo"] queue_type = QueueType(response["queuePriority"]) queue_position = None if response.get("position") == "None" else response.get("position") message = response.get("message") return QuantumTaskQueueInfo(queue_type, queue_position, message)
def _status(self, use_cached_value: bool = False) -> str: metadata = self.metadata(use_cached_value) status = metadata.get("status") if not use_cached_value and status in self.NO_RESULT_TERMINAL_STATES: self._logger.warning(f"Task is in terminal state {status} and no result is available.") if status == "FAILED": failure_reason = metadata.get("failureReason", "unknown") self._logger.warning(f"Task failure reason is: {failure_reason}.") return status def _update_status_if_nonterminal(self) -> str: # If metadata has not been populated, the first call to _status will fetch it, # so the second _status call will no longer need to metadata_absent = not self._metadata cached = self._status(True) return cached if cached in self.TERMINAL_STATES else self._status(metadata_absent)
[docs] def result( self, ) -> Union[ GateModelQuantumTaskResult, AnnealingQuantumTaskResult, PhotonicModelQuantumTaskResult ]: """Get the quantum task result by polling Amazon Braket to see if the task is completed. Once the quantum task is completed, the result is retrieved from S3 and returned as a `GateModelQuantumTaskResult` or `AnnealingQuantumTaskResult` This method is a blocking thread call and synchronously returns a result. Call `async_result()` if you require an asynchronous invocation. Consecutive calls to this method return a cached result from the preceding request. Returns: Union[GateModelQuantumTaskResult, AnnealingQuantumTaskResult, PhotonicModelQuantumTaskResult]: The result of the quantum task, if the quantum task completed successfully; returns `None` if the quantum task did not complete successfully or the future timed out. """ # noqa E501 if self._result or ( self._metadata and self._status(True) in self.NO_RESULT_TERMINAL_STATES ): return self._result if self._metadata and self._status(True) in self.RESULTS_READY_STATES: return self._download_result() try: async_result = self.async_result() return async_result.get_loop().run_until_complete(async_result) except asyncio.CancelledError: # Future was cancelled, return whatever is in self._result if anything self._logger.warning("Task future was cancelled") return self._result
def _get_future(self) -> asyncio.Future: try: asyncio.get_event_loop() except Exception as e: self._logger.debug(e)"No event loop found; creating new event loop") asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) if not hasattr(self, "_future") or ( self._future.done() and not self._future.cancelled() and self._result is None # timed out and no result and self._update_status_if_nonterminal() not in self.NO_RESULT_TERMINAL_STATES ): self._future = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(self._create_future()) return self._future
[docs] def async_result(self) -> asyncio.Task: """Get the quantum task result asynchronously. Consecutive calls to this method return the result cached from the most recent request. """ return self._get_future()
async def _create_future(self) -> asyncio.Task: """Wrap the `_wait_for_completion` coroutine inside a future-like object. Invoking this method starts the coroutine and returns back the future-like object that contains it. Note that this does not block on the coroutine to finish. Returns: asyncio.Task: An asyncio Task that contains the `_wait_for_completion()` coroutine. """ return asyncio.create_task(self._wait_for_completion()) async def _wait_for_completion( self, ) -> Union[ GateModelQuantumTaskResult, AnnealingQuantumTaskResult, PhotonicModelQuantumTaskResult ]: """Waits for the quantum task to be completed, then returns the result from the S3 bucket. Returns: Union[GateModelQuantumTaskResult, AnnealingQuantumTaskResult, PhotonicModelQuantumTaskResult]: If the task is in the `AwsQuantumTask.RESULTS_READY_STATES` state within the specified time limit, the result from the S3 bucket is loaded and returned. `None` is returned if a timeout occurs or task state is in `AwsQuantumTask.NO_RESULT_TERMINAL_STATES`. Note: Timeout and sleep intervals are defined in the constructor fields `poll_timeout_seconds` and `poll_interval_seconds` respectively. """ # noqa E501 self._logger.debug(f"Task {self._arn}: start polling for completion") start_time = time.time() while (time.time() - start_time) < self._poll_timeout_seconds: # Used cached metadata if cached status is terminal task_status = self._update_status_if_nonterminal() if not self._quiet and task_status == "QUEUED": queue = self.queue_position() self._logger.debug( f"Task is in {queue.queue_type} queue position: {queue.queue_position}" ) self._logger.debug(f"Task {self._arn}: task status {task_status}") if task_status in AwsQuantumTask.RESULTS_READY_STATES: return self._download_result() elif task_status in AwsQuantumTask.NO_RESULT_TERMINAL_STATES: self._result = None return None else: await asyncio.sleep(self._poll_interval_seconds) # Timed out self._logger.warning( f"Task {self._arn}: polling for task completion timed out after " + f"{time.time() - start_time} seconds. Please increase the timeout; " + "this can be done by creating a new AwsQuantumTask with this task's ARN " + "and a higher value for the `poll_timeout_seconds` parameter." ) self._result = None return None def _has_reservation_arn_from_metadata(self, current_metadata: dict[str, Any]) -> bool: return any( association.get("type") == "RESERVATION_TIME_WINDOW_ARN" for association in current_metadata.get("associations", []) ) def _download_result( self, ) -> Union[ GateModelQuantumTaskResult, AnnealingQuantumTaskResult, PhotonicModelQuantumTaskResult ]: current_metadata = self.metadata(True) result_string = self._aws_session.retrieve_s3_object_body( current_metadata["outputS3Bucket"], current_metadata["outputS3Directory"] + f"/{AwsQuantumTask.RESULTS_FILENAME}", ) self._result = _format_result(BraketSchemaBase.parse_raw_schema(result_string)) task_event = { "arn":, "status": self.state(), "execution_duration": None, "has_reservation_arn": self._has_reservation_arn_from_metadata(current_metadata), } try: task_event["execution_duration"] = ( self._result.additional_metadata.simulatorMetadata.executionDuration ) except AttributeError: pass broadcast_event(_TaskCompletionEvent(**task_event)) return self._result def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"AwsQuantumTask('id/taskArn':'{}')" def __eq__(self, other: AwsQuantumTask) -> bool: return == if isinstance(other, AwsQuantumTask) else False def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(
@singledispatch def _create_internal( task_specification: Union[Circuit, Problem, BlackbirdProgram], aws_session: AwsSession, create_task_kwargs: dict[str, Any], device_arn: str, device_parameters: Union[dict, BraketSchemaBase], disable_qubit_rewiring: bool, inputs: dict[str, float], gate_definitions: dict[tuple[Gate, QubitSet], PulseSequence], *args, **kwargs, ) -> AwsQuantumTask: raise TypeError("Invalid task specification type") @_create_internal.register def _( pulse_sequence: PulseSequence, aws_session: AwsSession, create_task_kwargs: dict[str, Any], device_arn: str, _device_parameters: Union[dict, BraketSchemaBase], # Not currently used for OpenQasmProgram _disable_qubit_rewiring: bool, inputs: dict[str, float], gate_definitions: dict[tuple[Gate, QubitSet], PulseSequence], *args, **kwargs, ) -> AwsQuantumTask: openqasm_program = OpenQASMProgram( source=pulse_sequence.to_ir(), inputs=inputs or {}, ) create_task_kwargs["action"] = openqasm_program.json() task_arn = aws_session.create_quantum_task(**create_task_kwargs) return AwsQuantumTask(task_arn, aws_session, *args, **kwargs) @_create_internal.register def _( openqasm_program: OpenQASMProgram, aws_session: AwsSession, create_task_kwargs: dict[str, Any], device_arn: str, device_parameters: Union[dict, BraketSchemaBase], _disable_qubit_rewiring: bool, inputs: dict[str, float], gate_definitions: dict[tuple[Gate, QubitSet], PulseSequence], *args, **kwargs, ) -> AwsQuantumTask: if inputs: inputs_copy = openqasm_program.inputs.copy() if openqasm_program.inputs is not None else {} inputs_copy.update(inputs) openqasm_program = OpenQASMProgram( source=openqasm_program.source, inputs=inputs_copy, ) create_task_kwargs["action"] = openqasm_program.json() if device_parameters: final_device_parameters = ( _circuit_device_params_from_dict( device_parameters, device_arn, GateModelParameters(qubitCount=0), # qubitCount unused ) if isinstance(device_parameters, dict) else device_parameters ) create_task_kwargs["deviceParameters"] = final_device_parameters.json(exclude_none=True) task_arn = aws_session.create_quantum_task(**create_task_kwargs) return AwsQuantumTask(task_arn, aws_session, *args, **kwargs) @_create_internal.register def _( blackbird_program: BlackbirdProgram, aws_session: AwsSession, create_task_kwargs: dict[str, any], device_arn: str, _device_parameters: Union[dict, BraketSchemaBase], _disable_qubit_rewiring: bool, inputs: dict[str, float], gate_definitions: dict[tuple[Gate, QubitSet], PulseSequence], *args, **kwargs, ) -> AwsQuantumTask: create_task_kwargs["action"] = blackbird_program.json() task_arn = aws_session.create_quantum_task(**create_task_kwargs) return AwsQuantumTask(task_arn, aws_session, *args, **kwargs) @_create_internal.register def _( circuit: Circuit, aws_session: AwsSession, create_task_kwargs: dict[str, Any], device_arn: str, device_parameters: Union[dict, BraketSchemaBase], disable_qubit_rewiring: bool, inputs: dict[str, float], gate_definitions: dict[tuple[Gate, QubitSet], PulseSequence], *args, **kwargs, ) -> AwsQuantumTask: validate_circuit_and_shots(circuit, create_task_kwargs["shots"]) # TODO: Update this to use `deviceCapabilities` from Amazon Braket's GetDevice operation # in order to decide what parameters to build. paradigm_parameters = GateModelParameters( qubitCount=circuit.qubit_count, disableQubitRewiring=disable_qubit_rewiring ) final_device_parameters = ( _circuit_device_params_from_dict(device_parameters or {}, device_arn, paradigm_parameters) if isinstance(device_parameters, dict) else device_parameters ) qubit_reference_type = QubitReferenceType.VIRTUAL if ( disable_qubit_rewiring or Instruction(StartVerbatimBox()) in circuit.instructions or gate_definitions or any(isinstance(instruction.operator, PulseGate) for instruction in circuit.instructions) ): qubit_reference_type = QubitReferenceType.PHYSICAL serialization_properties = OpenQASMSerializationProperties( qubit_reference_type=qubit_reference_type ) openqasm_program = circuit.to_ir( ir_type=IRType.OPENQASM, serialization_properties=serialization_properties, gate_definitions=gate_definitions, ) if inputs: inputs_copy = openqasm_program.inputs.copy() if openqasm_program.inputs is not None else {} inputs_copy.update(inputs) openqasm_program = OpenQASMProgram( source=openqasm_program.source, inputs=inputs_copy, ) create_task_kwargs |= { "action": openqasm_program.json(), "deviceParameters": final_device_parameters.json(exclude_none=True), } task_arn = aws_session.create_quantum_task(**create_task_kwargs) return AwsQuantumTask(task_arn, aws_session, *args, **kwargs) @_create_internal.register def _( problem: Problem, aws_session: AwsSession, create_task_kwargs: dict[str, Any], device_arn: str, device_parameters: Union[ dict, DwaveDeviceParameters, DwaveAdvantageDeviceParameters, Dwave2000QDeviceParameters, ], _: bool, inputs: dict[str, float], gate_definitions: Optional[dict[tuple[Gate, QubitSet], PulseSequence]], *args, **kwargs, ) -> AwsQuantumTask: device_params = _create_annealing_device_params(device_parameters, device_arn) create_task_kwargs |= { "action": problem.to_ir().json(), "deviceParameters": device_params.json(exclude_none=True), } task_arn = aws_session.create_quantum_task(**create_task_kwargs) return AwsQuantumTask(task_arn, aws_session, *args, **kwargs) @_create_internal.register def _( analog_hamiltonian_simulation: AnalogHamiltonianSimulation, aws_session: AwsSession, create_task_kwargs: dict[str, Any], device_arn: str, device_parameters: dict, _: AnalogHamiltonianSimulationTaskResult, inputs: dict[str, float], gate_definitions: Optional[dict[tuple[Gate, QubitSet], PulseSequence]], *args, **kwargs, ) -> AwsQuantumTask: create_task_kwargs["action"] = analog_hamiltonian_simulation.to_ir().json() task_arn = aws_session.create_quantum_task(**create_task_kwargs) return AwsQuantumTask(task_arn, aws_session, *args, **kwargs) def _circuit_device_params_from_dict( device_parameters: dict, device_arn: str, paradigm_parameters: GateModelParameters ) -> GateModelSimulatorDeviceParameters: if "errorMitigation" in device_parameters: error_migitation = device_parameters["errorMitigation"] device_parameters["errorMitigation"] = ( error_migitation.serialize() if isinstance(error_migitation, ErrorMitigation) else error_migitation ) if "ionq" in device_arn: return IonqDeviceParameters(paradigmParameters=paradigm_parameters, **device_parameters) if "rigetti" in device_arn: return RigettiDeviceParameters(paradigmParameters=paradigm_parameters) if "oqc" in device_arn: return OqcDeviceParameters(paradigmParameters=paradigm_parameters) return GateModelSimulatorDeviceParameters(paradigmParameters=paradigm_parameters) def _create_annealing_device_params( device_params: dict[str, Any], device_arn: str ) -> Union[DwaveAdvantageDeviceParameters, Dwave2000QDeviceParameters]: """Gets Annealing Device Parameters. Args: device_params (dict[str, Any]): Additional parameters for the device. device_arn (str): The ARN of the quantum device. Returns: Union[DwaveAdvantageDeviceParameters, Dwave2000QDeviceParameters]: The device parameters. """ if not isinstance(device_params, dict): device_params = device_params.dict() # check for device level or provider level parameters device_level_parameters = device_params.get("deviceLevelParameters", None) or device_params.get( "providerLevelParameters", {} ) # deleting since it may be the old version if "braketSchemaHeader" in device_level_parameters: del device_level_parameters["braketSchemaHeader"] if "Advantage" in device_arn: device_level_parameters = DwaveAdvantageDeviceLevelParameters.parse_obj( device_level_parameters ) return DwaveAdvantageDeviceParameters(deviceLevelParameters=device_level_parameters) elif "2000Q" in device_arn: device_level_parameters = Dwave2000QDeviceLevelParameters.parse_obj(device_level_parameters) return Dwave2000QDeviceParameters(deviceLevelParameters=device_level_parameters) else: raise Exception( f"Amazon Braket could not find a device with ARN: {device_arn}. " "To continue, make sure that the value of the device_arn parameter " "corresponds to a valid QPU." ) def _create_common_params( device_arn: str, s3_destination_folder: AwsSession.S3DestinationFolder, shots: int ) -> dict[str, Any]: return { "deviceArn": device_arn, "outputS3Bucket": s3_destination_folder[0], "outputS3KeyPrefix": s3_destination_folder[1], "shots": shots, } @singledispatch def _format_result( result: Union[GateModelTaskResult, AnnealingTaskResult, PhotonicModelTaskResult], ) -> Union[GateModelQuantumTaskResult, AnnealingQuantumTaskResult, PhotonicModelQuantumTaskResult]: raise TypeError("Invalid result specification type") @_format_result.register def _(result: GateModelTaskResult) -> GateModelQuantumTaskResult: GateModelQuantumTaskResult.cast_result_types(result) return GateModelQuantumTaskResult.from_object(result) @_format_result.register def _(result: AnnealingTaskResult) -> AnnealingQuantumTaskResult: return AnnealingQuantumTaskResult.from_object(result) @_format_result.register def _(result: PhotonicModelTaskResult) -> PhotonicModelQuantumTaskResult: return PhotonicModelQuantumTaskResult.from_object(result) @_format_result.register def _( result: AnalogHamiltonianSimulationTaskResult, ) -> AnalogHamiltonianSimulationQuantumTaskResult: return AnalogHamiltonianSimulationQuantumTaskResult.from_object(result)