Source code for braket.circuits.angled_gate

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
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from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import math
from import Sequence
from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Optional, Union

from sympy import Float

from braket.circuits.free_parameter_expression import FreeParameterExpression
from braket.circuits.gate import Gate
from braket.circuits.parameterizable import Parameterizable

[docs] class AngledGate(Gate, Parameterizable): """Class `AngledGate` represents a quantum gate that operates on N qubits and an angle.""" def __init__( self, angle: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float], qubit_count: Optional[int], ascii_symbols: Sequence[str], ): """Initializes an `AngledGate`. Args: angle (Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]): The angle of the gate in radians or expression representation. qubit_count (Optional[int]): The number of qubits that this gate interacts with. ascii_symbols (Sequence[str]): ASCII string symbols for the gate. These are used when printing a diagram of a circuit. The length must be the same as `qubit_count`, and index ordering is expected to correlate with the target ordering on the instruction. For instance, if a CNOT instruction has the control qubit on the first index and target qubit on the second index, the ASCII symbols should have `["C", "X"]` to correlate a symbol with that index. Raises: ValueError: If the `qubit_count` is less than 1, `ascii_symbols` are `None`, or `ascii_symbols` length != `qubit_count`, or `angle` is `None` """ super().__init__(qubit_count=qubit_count, ascii_symbols=ascii_symbols) if angle is None: raise ValueError("angle must not be None") if isinstance(angle, FreeParameterExpression): self._parameters = [angle] else: self._parameters = [float(angle)] # explicit casting in case angle is e.g. np.float32 @property def parameters(self) -> list[Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]]: """Returns the parameters associated with the object, either unbound free parameters or bound values. Returns: list[Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]]: The free parameters or fixed value associated with the object. """ return self._parameters @property def angle(self) -> Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: """Returns the angle of the gate Returns: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: The angle of the gate in radians """ return self._parameters[0]
[docs] def bind_values(self, **kwargs) -> AngledGate: """Takes in parameters and attempts to assign them to values. Returns: AngledGate: A new Gate of the same type with the requested parameters bound. Raises: NotImplementedError: Subclasses should implement this function. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def adjoint(self) -> list[Gate]: """Returns the adjoint of this gate as a singleton list. Returns: list[Gate]: A list containing the gate with negated angle. """ gate_ascii_name_index = self.ascii_symbols[0].find("(") gate_ascii_name = self.ascii_symbols[0][:gate_ascii_name_index] new_ascii_symbols = [ angled_ascii_characters(gate_ascii_name, -self.angle) ] * self.qubit_count new = copy.copy(self) new._parameters = [-angle for angle in self._parameters] new._ascii_symbols = new_ascii_symbols return [new]
def __eq__(self, other: AngledGate): return ( isinstance(other, AngledGate) and == and _angles_equal(self.angle, other.angle) ) def __repr__(self): return f"{}('angle': {self.angle}, 'qubit_count': {self.qubit_count})" def __hash__(self): return hash((, self.angle, self.qubit_count))
[docs] class DoubleAngledGate(Gate, Parameterizable): """Class `DoubleAngledGate` represents a quantum gate that operates on N qubits and two angles. """ def __init__( self, angle_1: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float], angle_2: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float], qubit_count: Optional[int], ascii_symbols: Sequence[str], ): """Inits a `DoubleAngledGate`. Args: angle_1 (Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]): The first angle of the gate in radians or expression representation. angle_2 (Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]): The second angle of the gate in radians or expression representation. qubit_count (Optional[int]): The number of qubits that this gate interacts with. ascii_symbols (Sequence[str]): ASCII string symbols for the gate. These are used when printing a diagram of a circuit. The length must be the same as `qubit_count`, and index ordering is expected to correlate with the target ordering on the instruction. For instance, if a CNOT instruction has the control qubit on the first index and target qubit on the second index, the ASCII symbols should have `["C", "X"]` to correlate a symbol with that index. Raises: ValueError: If `qubit_count` is less than 1, `ascii_symbols` are `None`, or `ascii_symbols` length != `qubit_count`, or `angle_1` or `angle_2` is `None` """ super().__init__(qubit_count=qubit_count, ascii_symbols=ascii_symbols) if angle_1 is None or angle_2 is None: raise ValueError("angles must not be None") self._parameters = [ ( angle if isinstance(angle, FreeParameterExpression) else float(angle) # explicit casting in case angle is e.g. np.float32 ) for angle in (angle_1, angle_2) ] @property def parameters(self) -> list[Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]]: """Returns the parameters associated with the object, either unbound free parameters or bound values. Returns: list[Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]]: The free parameters or fixed value associated with the object. """ return self._parameters @property def angle_1(self) -> Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: """Returns the first angle of the gate Returns: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: The first angle of the gate in radians """ return self._parameters[0] @property def angle_2(self) -> Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: """Returns the second angle of the gate Returns: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: The second angle of the gate in radians """ return self._parameters[1]
[docs] def bind_values(self, **kwargs: FreeParameterExpression | str) -> AngledGate: """Takes in parameters and attempts to assign them to values. Args: **kwargs (FreeParameterExpression | str): The parameters that are being assigned. Returns: AngledGate: A new Gate of the same type with the requested parameters bound. Raises: NotImplementedError: Subclasses should implement this function. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def adjoint(self) -> list[Gate]: """Returns the adjoint of this gate as a singleton list. Returns: list[Gate]: A list containing the gate with negated angle. """ raise NotImplementedError
def __eq__(self, other: DoubleAngledGate): return ( isinstance(other, DoubleAngledGate) and == and _angles_equal(self.angle_1, other.angle_1) and _angles_equal(self.angle_2, other.angle_2) ) def __repr__(self): return ( f"{}('angles': ({self.angle_1}, {self.angle_2}), " f"'qubit_count': {self.qubit_count})" ) def __hash__(self): return hash((, self.angle_1, self.angle_2, self.qubit_count))
[docs] class TripleAngledGate(Gate, Parameterizable): """Class `TripleAngledGate` represents a quantum gate that operates on N qubits and three angles. """ def __init__( self, angle_1: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float], angle_2: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float], angle_3: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float], qubit_count: Optional[int], ascii_symbols: Sequence[str], ): """Inits a `TripleAngledGate`. Args: angle_1 (Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]): The first angle of the gate in radians or expression representation. angle_2 (Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]): The second angle of the gate in radians or expression representation. angle_3 (Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]): The third angle of the gate in radians or expression representation. qubit_count (Optional[int]): The number of qubits that this gate interacts with. ascii_symbols (Sequence[str]): ASCII string symbols for the gate. These are used when printing a diagram of a circuit. The length must be the same as `qubit_count`, and index ordering is expected to correlate with the target ordering on the instruction. For instance, if a CNOT instruction has the control qubit on the first index and target qubit on the second index, the ASCII symbols should have `["C", "X"]` to correlate a symbol with that index. Raises: ValueError: If `qubit_count` is less than 1, `ascii_symbols` are `None`, or `ascii_symbols` length != `qubit_count`, or `angle_1` or `angle_2` or `angle_3` is `None` """ super().__init__(qubit_count=qubit_count, ascii_symbols=ascii_symbols) if angle_1 is None or angle_2 is None or angle_3 is None: raise ValueError("angles must not be None") self._parameters = [ ( angle if isinstance(angle, FreeParameterExpression) else float(angle) # explicit casting in case angle is e.g. np.float32 ) for angle in (angle_1, angle_2, angle_3) ] @property def parameters(self) -> list[Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]]: """Returns the parameters associated with the object, either unbound free parameters or bound values. Returns: list[Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]]: The free parameters or fixed value associated with the object. """ return self._parameters @property def angle_1(self) -> Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: """Returns the first angle of the gate Returns: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: The first angle of the gate in radians """ return self._parameters[0] @property def angle_2(self) -> Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: """Returns the second angle of the gate Returns: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: The second angle of the gate in radians """ return self._parameters[1] @property def angle_3(self) -> Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: """Returns the third angle of the gate Returns: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]: The third angle of the gate in radians """ return self._parameters[2]
[docs] def bind_values(self, **kwargs: FreeParameterExpression | str) -> AngledGate: """Takes in parameters and attempts to assign them to values. Args: **kwargs (FreeParameterExpression | str): The parameters that are being assigned. Returns: AngledGate: A new Gate of the same type with the requested parameters bound. Raises: NotImplementedError: Subclasses should implement this function. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def adjoint(self) -> list[Gate]: """Returns the adjoint of this gate as a singleton list. Returns: list[Gate]: A list containing the gate with negated angle. """ raise NotImplementedError
def __eq__(self, other: TripleAngledGate): return ( isinstance(other, TripleAngledGate) and == and _angles_equal(self.angle_1, other.angle_1) and _angles_equal(self.angle_2, other.angle_2) and _angles_equal(self.angle_3, other.angle_3) ) def __repr__(self): return ( f"{}('angles': ({self.angle_1}, {self.angle_2}, {self.angle_3}), " f"'qubit_count': {self.qubit_count})" ) def __hash__(self): return hash((, self.angle_1, self.angle_2, self.angle_3, self.qubit_count))
@singledispatch def _angles_equal( angle_1: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float], angle_2: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float] ) -> bool: return isinstance(angle_2, float) and math.isclose(angle_1, angle_2) @_angles_equal.register def _(angle_1: FreeParameterExpression, angle_2: FreeParameterExpression): return angle_1 == angle_2
[docs] def angled_ascii_characters(gate: str, angle: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]) -> str: """Generates a formatted ascii representation of an angled gate. Args: gate (str): The name of the gate. angle (Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]): The angle for the gate. Returns: str: Returns the ascii representation for an angled gate. """ return f'{gate}({angle:{".2f" if isinstance(angle, (float, Float)) else ""}})'
def _multi_angled_ascii_characters( gate: str, *angles: Union[FreeParameterExpression, float], ) -> str: """Generates a formatted ascii representation of an angled gate. Args: gate (str): The name of the gate. *angles (Union[FreeParameterExpression, float]): angles in radians. Returns: str: Returns the ascii representation for an angled gate. """ def format_string(angle: FreeParameterExpression | float) -> str: """Formats an angle for ASCII representation. Args: angle (FreeParameterExpression | float): The angle to format. Returns: str: The ASCII representation of the angle. """ return ".2f" if isinstance(angle, (float, Float)) else "" return f"{gate}({', '.join(f'{angle:{format_string(angle)}}' for angle in angles)})"
[docs] def get_angle(gate: AngledGate, **kwargs: FreeParameterExpression | str) -> AngledGate: """Gets the angle with all values substituted in that are requested. Args: gate (AngledGate): The subclass of AngledGate for which the angle is being obtained. **kwargs (FreeParameterExpression | str): The named parameters that are being filled for a particular gate. Returns: AngledGate: A new gate of the type of the AngledGate originally used with all angles updated. """ new_angle = ( gate.angle.subs(kwargs) if isinstance(gate.angle, FreeParameterExpression) else gate.angle ) return type(gate)(angle=new_angle)
def _get_angles( gate: DoubleAngledGate | TripleAngledGate, **kwargs: FreeParameterExpression | str ) -> DoubleAngledGate | TripleAngledGate: """Gets the angle with all values substituted in that are requested. Args: gate (DoubleAngledGate | TripleAngledGate): The subclass of multi angle AngledGate for which the angle is being obtained. **kwargs (FreeParameterExpression | str): The named parameters that are being filled for a particular gate. Returns: DoubleAngledGate | TripleAngledGate: A new gate of the type of the AngledGate originally used with all angles updated. """ angles = [f"angle_{i + 1}" for i in range(len(gate._parameters))] new_angles_args = { angle: ( getattr(gate, angle).subs(kwargs) if isinstance(getattr(gate, angle), FreeParameterExpression) else getattr(gate, angle) ) for angle in angles } return type(gate)(**new_angles_args)