Source code for braket.circuits.noise_model.noise_model

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from __future__ import annotations

from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

from braket.circuits.circuit import Circuit
from braket.circuits.gate import Gate
from braket.circuits.instruction import Instruction
from braket.circuits.noise import Noise
from braket.circuits.noise_model.circuit_instruction_criteria import CircuitInstructionCriteria
from braket.circuits.noise_model.criteria import Criteria, CriteriaKey, CriteriaKeyResult
from braket.circuits.noise_model.initialization_criteria import InitializationCriteria
from braket.circuits.noise_model.result_type_criteria import ResultTypeCriteria
from braket.circuits.result_types import ObservableResultType
from braket.registers.qubit_set import QubitSetInput

[docs] @dataclass class NoiseModelInstruction: """Represents a single instruction for a Noise Model.""" noise: Noise criteria: Criteria def __init__(self, noise: Noise, criteria: Criteria): if not isinstance(noise, Noise): raise ValueError(f"{noise} must be a Noise type.") if not isinstance(criteria, Criteria): raise ValueError(f"{criteria} must be a Criteria type.") self.noise = noise self.criteria = criteria def __repr__(self): return f"NoiseModelInstruction(noise={self.noise}, criteria={self.criteria})" def __str__(self): return f"{self.noise}, {self.criteria}"
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Converts this object to a dictionary.""" return {"noise": self.noise.to_dict(), "criteria": self.criteria.to_dict()}
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, noise_model_item: dict) -> NoiseModelInstruction: """Converts a dictionary representing an object of this class into an instance of this class. Args: noise_model_item (dict): A dictionary representation of an object of this class. Returns: NoiseModelInstruction: An object of this class that corresponds to the passed in dictionary. """ return NoiseModelInstruction( noise=Noise.from_dict(noise_model_item["noise"]), criteria=Criteria.from_dict(noise_model_item["criteria"]), )
[docs] @dataclass class NoiseModelInstructions: """Represents the instructions in a noise model, separated by type.""" initialization_noise: list[NoiseModelInstruction] gate_noise: list[NoiseModelInstruction] readout_noise: list[NoiseModelInstruction]
[docs] class NoiseModel: """A Noise Model can be thought of as a set of Noise objects, and a corresponding set of criteria for how each Noise object should be applied to a circuit. For example, a noise model may represent that every H gate that acts on qubit 0 has a 10% probability of a bit flip, and every X gate that acts on qubit 0 has a 20% probability of a bit flip, and 5% probability of a phase flip. """ def __init__(self, instructions: list[NoiseModelInstruction] = None): self._instructions = instructions or [] def __repr__(self): return str({"instructions": list(self._instructions)}) def __str__(self): instructions = self.get_instructions_by_type() all_strings = [] all_strings.extend( NoiseModel._items_to_string("Initialization Noise:", instructions.initialization_noise) ) all_strings.extend(NoiseModel._items_to_string("Gate Noise:", instructions.gate_noise)) all_strings.extend( NoiseModel._items_to_string("Readout Noise:", instructions.readout_noise) ) return "\n".join(all_strings) @property def instructions(self) -> list[NoiseModelInstruction]: """List all the noise in the NoiseModel. Returns: list[NoiseModelInstruction]: The noise model instructions. """ return self._instructions
[docs] def add_noise(self, noise: Noise, criteria: Criteria) -> NoiseModel: """Modifies the NoiseModel to add noise with a given Criteria. Args: noise (Noise): The noise to add. criteria (Criteria): The criteria that determines when the noise will be applied. Returns: NoiseModel: This NoiseModel object. """ return self._add_instruction(NoiseModelInstruction(noise, criteria))
[docs] def insert_noise(self, index: int, noise: Noise, criteria: Criteria) -> NoiseModel: """Modifies the NoiseModel to insert a noise with a given Criteria at particular position. Args: index (int): The index at which to insert. noise (Noise): The noise to insert. criteria (Criteria): The criteria that determines when the noise will be applied. Returns: NoiseModel: This NoiseModel object. """ self._instructions.insert(index, NoiseModelInstruction(noise, criteria)) return self
def _add_instruction(self, instruction: NoiseModelInstruction) -> NoiseModel: """Modifies the NoiseModel to add noise with a given Criteria. Args: instruction (NoiseModelInstruction): The noise model instruction to add. Returns: NoiseModel: This NoiseModel object. """ self._instructions.append(instruction) return self
[docs] def remove_noise(self, index: int) -> NoiseModel: """Removes the noise and corresponding criteria from the NoiseModel at the given index. Args: index (int): The index of the instruction to remove. Returns: NoiseModel: This NoiseModel object. Throws: IndexError: If the provided index is not less than the number of noise (as returned from items()). """ self._instructions.pop(index) return self
[docs] def get_instructions_by_type(self) -> NoiseModelInstructions: """Returns the noise in this model by noise type. Returns: NoiseModelInstructions: The noise model instructions. """ init_noise = [] gate_noise = [] readout_noise = [] for item in self._instructions: if isinstance(item.criteria, InitializationCriteria): init_noise.append(item) elif isinstance(item.criteria, CircuitInstructionCriteria): gate_noise.append(item) elif isinstance(item.criteria, ResultTypeCriteria): readout_noise.append(item) return NoiseModelInstructions( initialization_noise=init_noise, gate_noise=gate_noise, readout_noise=readout_noise, )
[docs] def from_filter( self, qubit: Optional[QubitSetInput] = None, gate: Optional[Gate] = None, noise: Optional[type[Noise]] = None, ) -> NoiseModel: """Returns a new NoiseModel from this NoiseModel using a given filter. If no filters are specified, the returned NoiseModel will be the same as this one. Args: qubit (Optional[QubitSetInput]): The qubit to filter. Default is None. If not None, the returned NoiseModel will only have Noise that might be applicable to the passed qubit (or qubit list, if the criteria acts on a multi-qubit Gate). gate (Optional[Gate]): The gate to filter. Default is None. If not None, the returned NoiseModel will only have Noise that might be applicable to the passed Gate. noise (Optional[type[Noise]]): The noise class to filter. Default is None. If not None, the returned NoiseModel will only have noise that is of the same class as the given noise class. Returns: NoiseModel: A noise model containing Noise and Criteria that are applicable for the given filter. """ new_model = NoiseModel() for item in self._instructions: if noise is not None and not isinstance(item.noise, noise): continue if gate is not None: gate_keys = item.criteria.get_keys(CriteriaKey.GATE) if gate_keys != CriteriaKeyResult.ALL and gate not in gate_keys: continue if qubit is not None: qubit_keys = item.criteria.get_keys(CriteriaKey.QUBIT) if qubit_keys != CriteriaKeyResult.ALL and qubit not in qubit_keys: continue new_model.add_noise(item.noise, item.criteria) return new_model
[docs] def apply(self, circuit: Circuit) -> Circuit: """Applies this noise model to a circuit, and returns a new circuit that's the `noisy` version of the given circuit. If multiple noise will act on the same instruction, they will be applied in the order they are added to the noise model. Args: circuit (Circuit): a circuit to apply `noise` to. Returns: Circuit: A new circuit that's a `noisy` version of the passed in circuit. """ instructions = self.get_instructions_by_type() new_circuit = NoiseModel._apply_gate_noise(circuit, instructions.gate_noise) new_circuit = NoiseModel._apply_init_noise(new_circuit, instructions.initialization_noise) return NoiseModel._apply_readout_noise(new_circuit, instructions.readout_noise)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Converts this object to a dictionary.""" return {"instructions": [item.to_dict() for item in self._instructions]}
@classmethod def _apply_gate_noise( cls, circuit: Circuit, gate_noise_instructions: list[NoiseModelInstruction], ) -> Circuit: """Applies the gate noise to return a new circuit that's the `noisy` version of the given circuit. Args: circuit (Circuit): a circuit to apply `noise` to. gate_noise_instructions (list[NoiseModelInstruction]): a list of gate noise instructions to apply to the circuit. Returns: Circuit: A new circuit that's a `noisy` version of the passed in circuit. The targets set will be populated with the list of targets in the new circuit. """ new_circuit = Circuit() for circuit_instruction in circuit.instructions: new_circuit.add_instruction(circuit_instruction) target_qubits = list( for item in gate_noise_instructions: if item.criteria.instruction_matches(circuit_instruction): if item.noise.fixed_qubit_count() == len(target_qubits): new_circuit.add_instruction(Instruction(item.noise, target_qubits)) else: for qubit in target_qubits: new_circuit.add_instruction(Instruction(item.noise, qubit)) for result_type in circuit.result_types: new_circuit.add_result_type(result_type) return new_circuit @classmethod def _apply_init_noise( cls, circuit: Circuit, init_noise_instructions: list[NoiseModelInstruction], ) -> Circuit: """Applies the initialization noise of this noise model to a circuit and returns the circuit. Args: circuit (Circuit): A circuit to apply `noise` to. init_noise_instructions (list[NoiseModelInstruction]): A list of initialization noise model instructions. Returns: Circuit: The passed in circuit, with the initialization noise applied. """ if not init_noise_instructions: return circuit for item in init_noise_instructions: qubits = item.criteria.qubit_intersection(circuit.qubits) if len(qubits) > 0: circuit.apply_initialization_noise(item.noise, list(qubits)) return circuit @classmethod def _apply_readout_noise( cls, circuit: Circuit, readout_noise_instructions: list[NoiseModelInstruction], ) -> Circuit: """Applies the readout noise of this noise model to a circuit and returns the circuit. Args: circuit (Circuit): A circuit to apply `noise` to. readout_noise_instructions (list[NoiseModelInstruction]): The list of readout noise to apply. Returns: Circuit: The passed in circuit, with the readout noise applied. """ if not readout_noise_instructions or not circuit.result_types: return circuit return _apply_noise_on_observable_result_types(circuit, readout_noise_instructions) @classmethod def _items_to_string( cls, instructions_title: str, instructions: list[NoiseModelInstruction] ) -> list[str]: """Creates a string representation of a list of instructions. Args: instructions_title (str): The title for this list of instructions. instructions (list[NoiseModelInstruction]): A list of instructions. Returns: list[str]: A list of string representations of the passed instructions. """ results = [] if instructions: results.append(instructions_title) results.extend(f" {item}" for item in instructions) return results
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, noise_dict: dict) -> NoiseModel: """Converts a dictionary representing an object of this class into an instance of this class. Args: noise_dict (dict): A dictionary representation of an object of this class. Returns: NoiseModel: An object of this class that corresponds to the passed in dictionary. """ model = NoiseModel() all( model._add_instruction(NoiseModelInstruction.from_dict(item)) for item in noise_dict["instructions"] ) return model
def _apply_noise_on_observable_result_types( circuit: Circuit, readout_noise_instructions: list[NoiseModelInstruction] ) -> Circuit: """Applies readout noise based on the observable result types in the circuit. Each applicable Noise will be applied only once to a target in the ObservableResultType. Args: circuit (Circuit): The circuit to apply the readout noise to. readout_noise_instructions (list[NoiseModelInstruction]): The list of readout noise to apply. Returns: Circuit: The passed in circuit, with the readout noise applied. """ result_types = circuit.result_types noise_to_apply = defaultdict(set) for result_type in result_types: if isinstance(result_type, ObservableResultType): target_qubits = list( for item_index, item in enumerate(readout_noise_instructions): if item.criteria.result_type_matches(result_type): for target_qubit in target_qubits: noise_to_apply[target_qubit].add(item_index) for qubit in noise_to_apply: for noise_item_index in noise_to_apply[qubit]: item = readout_noise_instructions[noise_item_index] circuit.apply_readout_noise(item.noise, qubit) return circuit