Source code for braket.circuits.observable

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
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from __future__ import annotations

import numbers
from import Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

from braket.circuits.gate import Gate
from braket.circuits.quantum_operator import QuantumOperator
from braket.circuits.serialization import (
from braket.registers.qubit_set import QubitSet

[docs] class Observable(QuantumOperator): """Class `Observable` to represent a quantum observable. Objects of this type can be used as input to `ResultType.Sample`, `ResultType.Variance`, `ResultType.Expectation` to specify the measurement basis. """ def __init__(self, qubit_count: int, ascii_symbols: Sequence[str]): super().__init__(qubit_count=qubit_count, ascii_symbols=ascii_symbols) self._coef = 1 def _unscaled(self) -> Observable: return Observable(qubit_count=self.qubit_count, ascii_symbols=self.ascii_symbols)
[docs] def to_ir( self, target: QubitSet | None = None, ir_type: IRType = IRType.JAQCD, serialization_properties: SerializationProperties | None = None, ) -> Union[str, list[Union[str, list[list[list[float]]]]]]: """Returns the IR representation for the observable Args: target (QubitSet | None): target qubit(s). Defaults to None. ir_type(IRType) : The IRType to use for converting the result type object to its IR representation. Defaults to IRType.JAQCD. serialization_properties (SerializationProperties | None): The serialization properties to use while serializing the object to the IR representation. The serialization properties supplied must correspond to the supplied `ir_type`. Defaults to None. Returns: Union[str, list[Union[str, list[list[list[float]]]]]]: The IR representation for the observable. Raises: ValueError: If the supplied `ir_type` is not supported, or if the supplied serialization properties don't correspond to the `ir_type`. """ if ir_type == IRType.JAQCD: return self._to_jaqcd() elif ir_type == IRType.OPENQASM: if serialization_properties and not isinstance( serialization_properties, OpenQASMSerializationProperties ): raise ValueError( "serialization_properties must be of type OpenQASMSerializationProperties " "for IRType.OPENQASM." ) return self._to_openqasm( serialization_properties or OpenQASMSerializationProperties(), target ) else: raise ValueError(f"Supplied ir_type {ir_type} is not supported.")
def _to_jaqcd(self) -> list[Union[str, list[list[list[float]]]]]: """Returns the JAQCD representation of the observable.""" raise NotImplementedError("to_jaqcd has not been implemented yet.") def _to_openqasm( self, serialization_properties: OpenQASMSerializationProperties, target: QubitSet | None = None, ) -> str: """Returns the openqasm string representation of the result type. Args: serialization_properties (OpenQASMSerializationProperties): The serialization properties to use while serializing the object to the IR representation. target (QubitSet | None): target qubit(s). Defaults to None. Returns: str: Representing the openqasm representation of the result type. """ raise NotImplementedError("to_openqasm has not been implemented yet.") @property def coefficient(self) -> int: """The coefficient of the observable. Returns: int: coefficient value of the observable. """ return self._coef @property def basis_rotation_gates(self) -> tuple[Gate, ...]: """Returns the basis rotation gates for this observable. Returns: tuple[Gate, ...]: The basis rotation gates for this observable. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def eigenvalues(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the eigenvalues of this observable. Returns: np.ndarray: The eigenvalues of this observable. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def eigenvalue(self, index: int) -> float: """Returns the eigenvalue of this observable at the given index. The eigenvalues are ordered by their corresponding computational basis state after diagonalization. Args: index (int): The index of the desired eigenvalue Returns: float: The `index` th eigenvalue of the observable. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def register_observable(cls, observable: Observable) -> None: """Register an observable implementation by adding it into the `Observable` class. Args: observable (Observable): Observable class to register. """ setattr(cls, observable.__name__, observable)
def __matmul__(self, other: Observable) -> Observable.TensorProduct: if isinstance(other, Observable): return Observable.TensorProduct([self, other]) raise ValueError("Can only perform tensor products between observables.") def __mul__(self, other: Observable) -> Observable: """Scalar multiplication""" if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): observable_copy = deepcopy(self) observable_copy._coef *= other return observable_copy raise TypeError("Observable coefficients must be numbers.") def __rmul__(self, other: Observable) -> Observable: return self * other def __add__(self, other: Observable): if not isinstance(other, Observable): raise ValueError("Can only perform addition between observables.") return Observable.Sum([self, other]) def __sub__(self, other: Observable): if not isinstance(other, Observable): raise ValueError("Can only perform subtraction between observables.") return self + (-1 * other) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{}('qubit_count': {self.qubit_count})" def __eq__(self, other: Observable) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Observable): return == return NotImplemented
[docs] class StandardObservable(Observable): """Class `StandardObservable` to represent a Pauli-like quantum observable with eigenvalues of (+1, -1). """ def __init__(self, ascii_symbols: Sequence[str]): super().__init__(qubit_count=1, ascii_symbols=ascii_symbols) self._eigenvalues = (1.0, -1.0) # immutable def _unscaled(self) -> StandardObservable: return StandardObservable(ascii_symbols=self.ascii_symbols) @property def eigenvalues(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.coefficient * np.array(self._eigenvalues)
[docs] def eigenvalue(self, index: int) -> float: return self.coefficient * self._eigenvalues[index]
@property def ascii_symbols(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: return tuple( f"{self.coefficient if self.coefficient != 1 else ''}{ascii_symbol}" for ascii_symbol in self._ascii_symbols )