Source code for braket.quantum_information.pauli_string

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from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
from typing import Optional, Union

from braket.circuits.circuit import Circuit
from braket.circuits.observables import I, TensorProduct, X, Y, Z

_PAULI_X = "X"
_PAULI_Y = "Y"
_PAULI_Z = "Z"
    "X": {"Y": ["Z", 1j], "Z": ["Y", -1j]},
    "Y": {"X": ["Z", -1j], "Z": ["X", 1j]},
    "Z": {"X": ["Y", 1j], "Y": ["X", -1j]},
_ID_OBS = I()
_SIGN_MAP = {"+": 1, "-": -1}

[docs] class PauliString: """A lightweight representation of a Pauli string with its phase.""" def __init__(self, pauli_string: Union[str, PauliString]): """Initializes a `PauliString`. Args: pauli_string (Union[str, PauliString]): The representation of the pauli word, either a string or another PauliString object. A valid string consists of an optional phase, specified by an optional sign +/- followed by an uppercase string in {I, X, Y, Z}. Example valid strings are: XYZ, +YIZY, -YX Raises: ValueError: If the Pauli String is empty. """ if not pauli_string: raise ValueError("pauli_string must not be empty") if isinstance(pauli_string, PauliString): self._phase = pauli_string._phase self._qubit_count = pauli_string._qubit_count self._nontrivial = pauli_string._nontrivial elif isinstance(pauli_string, str): self._phase, factors_str = PauliString._split(pauli_string) self._qubit_count = len(factors_str) self._nontrivial = { i: factors_str[i] for i in range(len(factors_str)) if factors_str[i] != "I" } else: raise TypeError(f"Pauli word {pauli_string} must be of type {PauliString} or {str}") @property def phase(self) -> int: """int: The phase of the Pauli string. Can be one of +/-1 """ return self._phase @property def qubit_count(self) -> int: """int: The number of qubits this Pauli string acts on.""" return self._qubit_count
[docs] def to_unsigned_observable(self, include_trivial: bool = False) -> TensorProduct: """Returns the observable corresponding to the unsigned part of the Pauli string. For example, for a Pauli string -XYZ, the corresponding observable is X ⊗ Y ⊗ Z. Args: include_trivial (bool): Whether to include explicit identity factors in the observable. Default: False. Returns: TensorProduct: The tensor product of the unsigned factors in the Pauli string. """ if include_trivial: return TensorProduct( [ ( _PAULI_OBSERVABLES[self._nontrivial[qubit]] if qubit in self._nontrivial else _ID_OBS ) for qubit in range(self._qubit_count) ] ) return TensorProduct( [_PAULI_OBSERVABLES[self._nontrivial[qubit]] for qubit in sorted(self._nontrivial)] )
[docs] def weight_n_substrings(self, weight: int) -> tuple[PauliString, ...]: r"""Returns every substring of this Pauli string with exactly `weight` nontrivial factors. The number of substrings is equal to :math:`\binom{n}{w}`, where :math`n` is the number of nontrivial (non-identity) factors in the Pauli string and :math`w` is `weight`. Args: weight (int): The number of non-identity factors in the substrings. Returns: tuple[PauliString, ...]: A tuple of weight-n Pauli substrings. """ substrings = [] for indices in itertools.combinations(self._nontrivial, weight): factors = [ ( self._nontrivial[qubit] if qubit in set(indices).intersection(self._nontrivial) else "I" ) for qubit in range(self._qubit_count) ] substrings.append( PauliString(f"{PauliString._phase_to_str(self._phase)}{''.join(factors)}") ) return tuple(substrings)
[docs] def eigenstate(self, signs: Optional[Union[str, list[int], tuple[int, ...]]] = None) -> Circuit: """Returns the eigenstate of this Pauli string with the given factor signs. The resulting eigenstate has each qubit in the +1 eigenstate of its corresponding signed Pauli operator. For example, a Pauli string +XYZ and signs ++- has factors +X, +Y and -Z, with the corresponding qubits in states `|+⟩` , `|i⟩` , and `|1⟩` respectively (the global phase of the Pauli string is ignored). Args: signs (Optional[Union[str, list[int], tuple[int, ...]]]): The sign of each factor of the eigenstate, specified either as a string of "+" and "_", or as a list or tuple of +/-1. The length of signs must be equal to the length of the Pauli string. If not specified, it is assumed to be all +. Default: None. Returns: Circuit: A circuit that prepares the desired eigenstate of the Pauli string. Raises: ValueError: If the length of signs is not equal to that of the Pauli string or the signs are invalid. """ qubit_count = self._qubit_count if not signs: signs = "+" * qubit_count elif len(signs) != qubit_count: raise ValueError( f"signs must be the same length of the Pauli string ({qubit_count}), " f"but was {len(signs)}" ) signs_tup = ( tuple(_SIGN_MAP.get(sign) for sign in signs) if isinstance(signs, str) else tuple(signs) ) if not set(signs_tup) <= {1, -1}: raise ValueError(f"signs must be +/-1, got {signs}") return self._generate_eigenstate_circuit(signs_tup)
[docs] def dot(self, other: PauliString, inplace: bool = False) -> PauliString: """Right multiplies this Pauli string with the argument. Returns the result of multiplying the current circuit by the argument on its right. For example, if called on `-XYZ` with argument `ZYX`, then `YIY` is the result. In-place computation is off by default. Args: other (PauliString): The right multiplicand. inplace (bool): If `True`, `self` is updated to hold the product. Returns: PauliString: The resultant circuit from right multiplying `self` with `other`. Raises: ValueError: If the lengths of the Pauli strings being multiplied differ. """ if self._qubit_count != other._qubit_count: raise ValueError( f"Input Pauli string must be of length ({self._qubit_count}), " f"not {other._qubit_count}" ) pauli_result = "" phase_result = self._phase * other._phase for i in range(self._qubit_count): # Are either identity? if i not in self._nontrivial and i not in other._nontrivial: pauli_result += "I" elif i not in self._nontrivial: pauli_result += other._nontrivial[i] elif i not in other._nontrivial: pauli_result += self._nontrivial[i] elif self._nontrivial[i] == other._nontrivial[i]: pauli_result += "I" else: gate, phase = _PRODUCT_MAP[self._nontrivial[i]][other._nontrivial[i]] pauli_result += gate phase_result *= phase # ignore complex global phase if phase_result.real < 0 or phase_result.imag < 0: pauli_result = f"-{pauli_result}" out_pauli_string = PauliString(pauli_result) if inplace: self._phase = out_pauli_string._phase self._qubit_count = out_pauli_string._qubit_count self._nontrivial = out_pauli_string._nontrivial return out_pauli_string
def __mul__(self, other: PauliString) -> PauliString: """Right multiplication operator overload using `dot()`. Returns the result of multiplying the current circuit by the argument on its right. Args: other (PauliString): The right multiplicand. Returns: PauliString: The resultant circuit from right multiplying `self` with `other`. Raises: ValueError: If the lengths of the Pauli strings being multiplied differ. See Also: `` """ return def __imul__(self, other: PauliString) -> PauliString: """Operator overload for right-multiplication assignment (`*=`) using `dot()`. Right-multiplies `self` by `other`, and assigns the result to `self`. Args: other (PauliString): The right multiplicand. Returns: PauliString: The resultant circuit from right multiplying `self` with `other`. Raises: ValueError: If the lengths of the Pauli strings being multiplied differ. See Also: `` """ return, inplace=True)
[docs] def power(self, n: int, inplace: bool = False) -> PauliString: """Composes Pauli string with itself n times. Args: n (int): The number of times to self-multiply. Can be any integer value. inplace (bool): Update `self` if `True` Returns: PauliString: If `n` is positive, result from self-multiplication `n` times. If zero, identity. If negative, self-multiplication from trivial inverse (recall Pauli operators are involutory). Raises: ValueError: If `n` isn't a plain Python `int`. """ if not isinstance(n, int): raise ValueError("Must be raised to integer power") # Since pauli ops involutory, result is either identity or unchanged pauli_other = PauliString(self) if n % 2 == 0: pauli_other._phase = 1 pauli_other._nontrivial = {} if inplace: self._phase = pauli_other._phase self._qubit_count = pauli_other._qubit_count self._nontrivial = pauli_other._nontrivial return pauli_other
def __pow__(self, n: int) -> PauliString: """Pow operator overload for Pauli string composition. Syntactic sugar for `power()`. Args: n (int): The number of times to self-multiply. Can be any integer Returns: PauliString: If `n` is positive, result from self-multiplication `n` times. If zero, identity. If negative, self-multiplication from trivial inverse (recall Pauli operators are involutory). Raises: ValueError: If `n` isn't a plain Python `int`. See Also: `braket.quantum_information.PauliString.power()` """ return self.power(n) def __ipow__(self, n: int) -> PauliString: """Operator overload for in-place pow assignment (`**=`) using `power()`. Syntactic sugar for in-place `power()`. Args: n (int): The number of times to self-multiply. Can be any integer Returns: PauliString: If `n` is positive, result from self-multiplication `n` times. If zero, identity. If negative, self-multiplication from trivial inverse (recall Pauli operators are involutory). Raises: ValueError: If `n` isn't a plain Python `int`. See Also: `braket.quantum_information.PauliString.power()` """ return self.power(n, inplace=True)
[docs] def to_circuit(self) -> Circuit: """Returns circuit represented by this `PauliString`. Returns: Circuit: The circuit for this `PauliString`. """ circ = Circuit() for qubit in range(self._qubit_count): if qubit not in self._nontrivial: circ = circ.i(qubit) elif self._nontrivial[qubit] == "X": circ = circ.x(qubit) elif self._nontrivial[qubit] == "Y": circ = circ.y(qubit) else: circ = circ.z(qubit) return circ
def __eq__(self, other: PauliString): if isinstance(other, PauliString): return ( self._phase == other._phase and self._nontrivial == other._nontrivial and self._qubit_count == other._qubit_count ) return False def __getitem__(self, item: int): if item >= self._qubit_count: raise IndexError(item) return _PAULI_INDICES[self._nontrivial.get(item, "I")] def __len__(self): return self._qubit_count def __repr__(self): factors = [ self._nontrivial[qubit] if qubit in self._nontrivial else "I" for qubit in range(self._qubit_count) ] return f"{PauliString._phase_to_str(self._phase)}{''.join(factors)}" @staticmethod def _split(pauli_word: str) -> tuple[int, str]: index = 0 phase = 1 if pauli_word[index] in {"+", "-"}: phase *= int(f"{pauli_word[index]}1") index += 1 unsigned = pauli_word[index:] if not unsigned: raise ValueError("Pauli string cannot be empty") if set(unsigned) - _PAULI_INDICES.keys(): raise ValueError(f"{pauli_word} is not a valid Pauli string") return phase, unsigned @staticmethod def _phase_to_str(phase: int) -> str: return "+" if phase > 0 else "-" def _generate_eigenstate_circuit(self, signs: tuple[int, ...]) -> Circuit: circ = Circuit() for qubit in range(len(signs)): state = signs[qubit] * self[qubit] if state == -3: circ.x(qubit) elif state == 1: circ.h(qubit) elif state == -1: circ.x(qubit).h(qubit) elif state == 2: circ.h(qubit).s(qubit) elif state == -2: circ.h(qubit).si(qubit) return circ