braket.circuits.measure module

class braket.circuits.measure.Measure(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: QuantumOperator

Class Measure represents a measure operation on targeted qubits

Inits a Measure.


ValueErrorqubit_count is less than 1, ascii_symbols are None, or ascii_symbols length != qubit_count

property ascii_symbols: tuple[str]

Returns the ascii symbols for the measure.



to_ir(target: QubitSet | None = None, ir_type: IRType = IRType.OPENQASM, serialization_properties: SerializationProperties | None = None, **kwargs) Any[source]

Returns IR object of the measure operator.

  • target (QubitSet | None) – target qubit(s). Defaults to None

  • ir_type (IRType) – The IRType to use for converting the measure object to its IR representation. Defaults to IRType.OpenQASM.

  • serialization_properties (SerializationProperties | None) – The serialization properties to use while serializing the object to the IR representation. The serialization properties supplied must correspond to the supplied ir_type. Defaults to None.


Any – IR object of the measure operator.


ValueError – If the supplied ir_type is not supported.